Some times you hear a news story and you say Kai! It’s impossible, this could not have happened, in this Nigeria? its impossible, show me proof.
Let me tell you one of these stories in the late 70’s when Joseph Wayas ran the Parliament a motion was introduced that Big stout (Guinness or Odeku) should be served with pepper soup during House proceedings. This motion was actually voted on and defeated soundly, but that a senator actually introduced such a Bill tells you how low Nigeria fell during these times, do you believe this story? I assure you it’s true.
Ok let me tell you another incredible story, in 2006 the President of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo wanted to have a Nigerian version of the “Great Leap Forward” so he decided to launch a satellite into space with Chinese help (sounds like the Emperors new clothes already). well this project in spite of the hue and cry was eventually launched (so they told us) at a cost of N40 billion Naira, yes Billion. ($333 million). However the satellite first lost power (they first told us) then was parked in space (they told us after) and eventually it has fallen and is lost irreparably (so they are now telling us).
Now the interesting part, the MD of the NigerComm SAT1, Professor Ahmed Rufai has now asked the House to approve N59 Billion ($500m) concessionary loan from the China EXIM bank, yes Billion and yes China, to launch another satellite, do you believe this story? I assure you its true.
Where do I start from?
1. How are we sure a satellite was actually launched by the Chinese? All we saw was a rocket blasting off from China, did due process take a picture of the satellite in space?.
2. What were the specs given to the Chinese, did we order a dud, or did the Chinese build a dud? Was the nation sold a dud?
3. Why China? Can anyone here tell me any thing that China invented after paper and fireworks? Could it be that we were looking for a backing for a third term from a Security Council member when the West rejected the Third term project? But I digress
4. What did we actually gain form the satellite? Were internet call cheaper? Was any income realized? Why could it not find the missing aircraft that crashed near Obudu? why cant it spy on militants positions in the creeks?
5. If the Chinese failed, why give them another chance? If they could not deliver a working N40billion satellite, should we trust them with a N59 billion satellite? How came they are giving us a “loan” to build another satellite, will we pay interest on this second satellite, or is someone looking to donate to a secretariat project?
6. What about insurance? was this satellite insured? If yes why is the MD Rufai asking for money from the House to build a new one? was there no warranty or guaranty?
I can go on and on but really is it just me? do I think someone here is just plain stupid? Is the House going to actually vote on this?
I bet you in 50 years, you will tell your grandson about this incident, he wont believe you, he will say “haba granddaddy be serious now, how can you say they gave someone N40billion, and he “lost” it and then came back for N59 billion!”
When you hear these word maybe you will realize that it’s actually “us” that were stupid.
Fee dee fee, Power
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